Common Issues & Fixes

October 10, 2022
Common Issues & Fixes

Sometimes, your vape may not be working how it should. As vapers ourselves, we know that there is nothing more frustrating than going to vape and finding your favourite kit coated in juice, or one that won't turn on at all!

Here, you'll find some handy troubleshooting guides for some common issues vapers have.

Why does my vape leak?

February 10, 2023

Leaking liquid isn’t fun for anyone. More recent pod devices and tanks are pretty good at avoiding this issue, but there are still some things that can cause your kit to leak. Here, we’ll go through some simple steps to follow to avoid this.  Check your glass and seals The very first thing to check would be your glass and seals. For glass...

Why does my vape taste harsh?  There’s nothing worse than getting out a fresh coil, priming it with your new juice and taking that long-awaited first drag, only to get that scratchy harsh feeling on your throat. There are a few different things that can cause that harsh feeling, but we’ll go through the most common causes here.  1. Too...

Why Does my vape taste burnt/flavourless?

A burnt or flavourless coil usually means that the coil is now finished, and it’s time for a new one. Follow our ‘ Changing a coil ’ guide for more information on how to do this. If you’ve been using the same coil for a long period of time, this is the most likely solution.  Liquid  The first thing to check is that you have enough liquid...

We understand that this is possibly the most frustrating thing that can happen to a vaper. The first thing to check is for any signs of life. Depending on the brand, most vapes turn on/off when the fire button is pressed a certain number of times in quick succession. This can be 3, 4, 5 or 6 times, you can always check your user manual for specific...

My vape turns on, but won’t fire?

No/Check Atomiser message  If you’re getting a message telling you to ‘check atomiser’ or there is ‘no atomiser’, this is indicating there is an issue with the device reading the coil. Most of the time, this just means it’s time for a coil change or simply to clean the connections. Clean the connections Check the three points where the...